7 months ago
sPedrun da waitlist ⚡️
7 months ago
sPedrun da waitlist ⚡️
0.00 ETH
Follow on Warpcast (by Farcaster)
FID: 302478
Username: infinex-app
FID: 302478
Username: infinex-app
Make sure you've connected and verified the wallet address you're using to the claim the reward on Warpcast under 'Settings'.
Join Channel on Warpcast (by Farcaster)
Channel ID: speedrun
Channel ID: speedrun
Make sure you've connected and verified the wallet address you're using to the claim the reward on Warpcast under 'Settings'.
Join Channel on Warpcast (by Farcaster)
Channel ID: infinex
Channel ID: infinex
Make sure you've connected and verified the wallet address you're using to the claim the reward on Warpcast under 'Settings'.
The 1st Infinex Commemorative NFT: sPedrun da waitlist ⚡️ Total supply of 43,200. In honour of the launch of the Infinex Account and accompanying 30 day Speedrun the Waitlist campaign, we present the very first Infinex Commemorative NFT with a total supply of 43,200 to represent the length of the campaign (30 days = 43,200 minutes).